Ultra-Fast Full Fibre Broadband

Full-fibre networks provide businesses with the most advanced digital connection possible.
Constructed with the latest deployment techniques, smart-routing, reinforced cables and ducting; only full-fibre networks can support ultrafast, ultra-reliable services and provide a future-proofed connectivity alternative.
Across the UK, major cities are being transformed into Gigabit cities, creating a geographical network of the best-connected cities on the planet. CityFibre offers businesses ultrafast broadband services that are up to 100 times faster than the UK’s average business connections. Whether it’s a faster connection to increase productivity or more bandwidth to underpin your increased use of cloud services, VoIP and remote storage, a dedicated full-fibre connection to the network will give your business a digital head-start over your competitors.
Benefits of ultrafast full-fibre broadband:
As part of the Local Full Fibre Networks programme, designed to increase full fibre coverage across the UK, your business could be eligible for up to £2500 to upgrade to our ultra-fast full-fibre broadband, with speeds up to 1Gb!
These gigabit vouchers can be used by SME businesses, with fewer than 250 employees to contribute to the cost of installing a gigabit-capable connection for their business premise.
Eligibility for the Gigabit Broadband Voucher Scheme:
What even is a gigabit connection?
As of now, 95% of the UK is connected via superfast broadband, which is limited to copper wires that provide speeds above of 24 Mbs. A gigabit converts to 1,000 Mbs (megabits) which is an extremely fast speed that is achieved on a full-fibre connection which is reliable, lightning-fast, and the future for businesses.
My business is eligible! But, how does the voucher work?
It’s simple, as a registered supplier for a gigabit-capable connection, we will work with you to find out what your business needs. We will redeem your voucher worth up to £3000 and get to work on delivering your business with an incredibly fast and reliable full fibre broadband connection.